Encouraging Self Care Through Tantric Massage 

Modern life is full of unavoidable everyday stresses. Long hours at work, a busy rush hour commute, the ever-rising cost of living, and many other factors can all lead to a feeling of ever-growing pressure. To function as healthy, happy humans, we all need to hit the release valve from time to time. In modern culture, though, this too often takes the form of ‘living for the weekend’. After a crazy work week, you hit the bar on Friday night, stay out too late before the big one on Saturday and then desperately try to detox and recover on Sunday before the week starts again on Monday morning. Back to the overcrowded train, straight into a meeting…. We work some of the most extended hours in Europe in the UK, so what can we do to combat this pressure-cooker environment? Self-care through Tantric Massage might just be the answer.

Self Care 

Self Care is nurturing one’s physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Exercise, meditation, adequate sleep and in-person interaction with friends and loved ones are essential. When trying to find a balance between the temptations of modern life and a healthy state of being, we must not overlook these elements. 

Making Time for You

Most people try to negate their lack of self-care with some form of exercise. Exercise is one of the most effective combatants, but we can also fall into a rut doing the same thing. Hitting your step goal and checking in at the gym a few times a week is excellent for your body, but are you nurturing your mental and emotional state at the same time? 

Try Something New

So let’s get out of our comfort zone and try something new today. This could be a new sport, seeing an old friend, taking up a musical instrument or experiencing a new activity. Spa therapies have long been known to help release toxins and relax aching muscles, but most of us have had a massage and bobbed around in a hot tub or two by the time we reach our 20s. What can we do to relax our bodies and stimulate our minds simultaneously?

Self Care Through Tantric Massage And Rekindling the Sensuality in Your Relationships

No, not the thing Sting does. Tantric Massage has been expanding rapidly in London and other major UK cities in recent times as stressed adults look for new ways to relax and unwind amid their busy urban lives. Tantric Massage combines Swedish Massage techniques to relax tight muscles with sensual body glides and breathwork to stimulate and elevate the senses. The resulting sensations are a potent mix of meditative stillness for the mind and total body relaxation. Just what the doctor ordered. 

Body Positivity – Feeling Good in Your Skin

Lack of human connection came into focus during the Covid 19 Pandemic, but in reality, our lifestyles have been moving us down this road for many years. Tantric Massage can help you regain confidence in your body and interactions with others. Allowing yourself to be open and vulnerable in the hands of another person has incredible benefits to your mental well-being. Initial nervousness will soon turn to blissful abandon as your masseuse’s expert hands caress your body. Once you feel her smooth skin against your own, the improved circulation and dopamine hit will set your senses into overdrive. A properly trained sensual masseuse can help you control these waves of pleasure. Therefore regular exposure to modern tantra and massage will help you gain more confidence in your love life. 

Call Tantric Collective Today

So perhaps you’re looking for some time alone to gather your thoughts and need a new challenge to break the everyday cycle. A tantric massage has the potential to heal some of the physical and mental scars that we all build up over the years. If you’ve never tried it, make 2022 the year you put your body into the hands of the experts. Call Tantric Collective on +44 7563 383410 to make your booking today.