Exploring Lesbian Massage

Here at Tantric Collective, we are sometimes asked the question ‘what is a lesbian tantric massage?’. Whilst we call our tantric therapy for women a Women’s Massage (more on why later), we see the use of the term lesbian massage throughout the London tantric massage industry, and know the interest this term arouses. So, in today’s blog we delve deeper into what this type of massage involves and who it is for.

Using research into the uses and benefits of tantric massage for women from across the spectrum of sexuality, we will explore how to get the best physical, sensual, psychological and spiritual experience from tantric massage for women.


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Lesbian Massage: A Special Connection

A Safe Space for Women to Connect

For many women, finding a safe and understanding environment to express themselves, both emotionally and sensually, can be challenging. Lesbian massage, or women’s massage, provides such an environment, allowing two women to explore and celebrate their bodies without judgment or preconceived notions of what sensuality should or should not be.

The Unique Therapeutic Elements

The lesbian massage, or women’s massage, goes beyond the physical. It delves into areas of emotional healing, validation, and affirmation. Women who might have experienced societal judgment surrounding their sensuality, or internalised homophobia, can find solace and acceptance in this practice.

Benefits of Lesbian Massage

Emotional Healing and Reconnection

One of the primary benefits is the opportunity for emotional release. Such a massage can be a space where suppressed emotions, past traumas, or feelings of alienation are addressed and released in a supportive setting.

Celebrating Female Sensuality and Empowerment

A powerful aspect of tantric massage is the harnessing and celebration of Goddess energy. This powerful energy is also utilised in sessions where a female practitioner massages a male partner, as she harnesses her own feminine energy and uses it to connect intuitively with him. But arguably the most powerful expression of goddess energy is during a woman-to-woman tantric massage, where both partners can connect with their powerful sensual feminine energies.

Physical Wellness and Relaxation

The massage techniques employed, combined with the energy work involved, can help in relieving physical tension, improving circulation, and promoting overall relaxation.

Strengthening Relationships

Engaging in this practice can be a way to deepen your ability to bond with another or others. It offers a space to communicate, trust, and explore each other in new and profound ways.

Blonde and brunette woman wear black lace lingerie and stand holding each others' waists

Misconceptions Surrounding Lesbian Massage

The term lesbian massage seems to arouse curiosity. It is correctly used for a lesbian tantra practitioner providing a sensual massage to a lesbian massage client or partner. It’s slight misuse in other capacities however seems to have created misconceptions about what a lesbian massage is.

Women’s Massage For All Sexual Identities

Whilst we have valued repeat clients who identify as lesbian, the term Lesbian Massage can cause uncertainty amongst other women from across the spectrum of sexual orientation, some of whom are looking to experience their first tantric massage and wondering how to begin. We organise massages women who are lesbian; but also receive enquiries from women who are bisexual; and who are bi-curious and want to explore their attraction to women further within a safe and supportive space. As whilst heterosexuality is still the sexual orientation which the majority of the population identify as, those who identify as somewhere on the LGBTQ+ spectrum made up 1.5 million (3.2%) in England and Wales in 2021. We also meet women who identify as heterosexual but want to further explore the power of their femininity with an experienced and skilled tantra practitioner. In our experience therefore, sexuality and sensuality can be fluid, as opposed to cast in black and white, and a tantric massage can serve many purposes for our individual clients. We honour this belief in all of our sessions.

For women looking to further explore their curiosity around their sexual identity, there are many resources, of which receiving a tantric massage is one.

Due to catering for women from across the sexual orientation spectrum, we choose to name our massage for female clients our Women’s Massage. This makes clear all women are welcome to encounter a tantric massage from one of our tantra practitioners who are experienced in the art of women’s massage.

Male Clients Seeking Sensual Massage

Another confusion we encounter is male clients requesting a lesbian massage or women’s massage, because they assume it will be two masseuses massaging them and the therapists massaging each other. Sorry gentlemen, this is not the case, and unfortunately our Women’s Massage is our only therapy which we cannot organise for you. However you will likely be interested in our Four Hand Massage, where two masseuses care for you at the same time. Or if you are looking to enjoy tantric massage with a partner, a Couples’ Massage is an indulgent sensual experience to share together.

What Happens In A Lesbian Tantric Massage?

At the beginning of your massage you will be given a friendly welcome and a consultation about what you would like to experience. This is an opportunity to ask any questions you may have and raise any concerns you are feeling. You can set boundaries of what you do and don’t want to happen too.

After showering, you will be invited to lay on your front and enjoy a full body sensual massage, whilst the masseuse relieves any muscular tension you may have, and enables you to fully relax.

You may also practice deep breathing and other relaxation or meditative techniques together.

If you want to experience the sensuality of a lesbian massage, your masseuse will use her own body to caress yours and to tantalisingly build your arousal levels, whilst sensitively managing your ability to experience a prolonged state of sexual ecstasy.

A Massage Taken At Your Own Pace

There is never any pressure to experience the sensual or nude element of a tantric massage. Tantric Collective’s professional tantric masseuses take all their massage sessions at the pace which is appropriate to you, taking their cues from what you have told them during your consultation, but also how your body is responding to their touch. Boundaries and consent are always respected by our masseuses.

Deepak Chopra says “Meaningful sex has to be value based.  Values are personal. Each situation that has sexual energy in it, involves the whole human being and their entire value system.  My values may be different from yours, and I have no right to be the moral judge of anyone’s values.  It is important, however, to have core values, and respect them.  Without values, we become spiritually bankrupt.  Sexual experience will never cause problems and will always be joyful, if lovers share the same values.”

At Tantric Collective, we honour this belief and find that our truly fulfilling sessions for both masseuse and client are a result of such respect.


Lesbian massage, rooted in the principles of tantric practices, offers a profound way for women to connect, heal, and celebrate their identities. It’s more than just a massage; it’s a journey of discovery, acceptance, and profound connection. Whether you’re familiar with the practice or just beginning to explore, there’s always a deeper layer of understanding and connection to be found. It’s important to note that a person’s choice to receive or give a massage to someone of the same sex does not automatically indicate their sexual orientation. The context, intention, and the relationship between the participants play significant roles in determining the nature of the massage. As with any intimate activity, clear communication, mutual consent, and respect for each other is key to enjoyment and pleasure.

Booking Your Women’s Massage

If you would like to further explore your interest in tantric massage, we welcome your enquiry. Our friendly Customer Concierge team are always happy to answer questions, and you will be put under no pressure to book. So feel free to contact us for a chat.


Sexual Orientation, England and Wales: Census 2021’, Michael Roskams, Office For National Statistics

‘Kama Sutra: Insights on Sex and Spirituality’, Deepak Chopra, Chopra Foundation