Our Guide to Additional Erotic Massage Therapies

Here at Tantric Collective, we aim to provide our discerning clientele with a completely customisable experience. Our Erotic Massage sessions involve ancient tantric techniques combined with blissful Body to Body movements, but you can further tailor this experience to your desires. Because of this, we provide a range of indulgent additional tantric massage therapies.

Aqua Massage Incalls and Outcalls in Central London

One of our most popular additional Erotic Massage therapies is to begin your session with a cleansing and erotic bathing ritual known as Aqua Massage. Your stunning therapist will invite you to join her in the bath or shower, where she will caress every part of your body with luxurious bathing oils and her heavenly curves. This naked, soapy massage immediately creates an intimate bond between the therapist and the client. Your eyes will connect over the steaming bubbles, and her toned, glistening body will glide against your own. As a result, your session will begin with a sense of intimacy that will build with every movement.

London’s Elite Nuru Massage Provider

Nuru Massage is a highly erotic experience that involves your masseuse gliding her naked body against your own. This will promote deep relaxation and a refreshing feeling of arousal. Nuru Massage uses a seaweed-based, odourless gel instead of traditional massage oils. The Nuru gel is an organic product that creates a very slippery, gliding sensation between you and your Tantric Collective masseuse.

Indulgent Four Hands Massage In Central London

They say that two heads are better than one, which is undoubtedly the case when booking a Tantric Collective massage. Four Hands Massage involves two of our stunning erotic massage therapists using their skilled hands and bodies to simultaneously caress every inch of you. Four Hands Massage is a truly indulgent erotic massage experience that will live long in the memory.

Stunning Tantric Massage Therapists

Our team of erotic massage therapists are the most stunning, skilled and elite masseuses in London. Discreet, professional and beautiful masseuses from all corners await your booking. Our therapists all have luxury apartments throughout London with modern facilities for you to enjoy your time to the maximum. If you require a tantric massage outcall our masseuses are chic enough to grace the lobbies of London’s most glamorous hotels. They are equally happy to visit you in your central London residence for an evening of pure erotic massage indulgence.

Book an Erotic Massage Today

Give our Customer Concierge line a call today to begin creating your bespoke erotic experience. With the expert guidance of our highly experienced and professional team, you’ll soon be in erotic massage heaven. They can pass on any requests you may have, including outfit ideas or a particular soundtrack for your tantric massage. The entire Tantric Collective team is ready and waiting to make your fantasy a reality today.