Where Can I Learn Tantric Massage?

If you’ve ever experienced a tantric massage, you’ll know how powerful the sensations can be when in the hands of a professional. When you’re receiving a tantric massage, the goal is to be passive, but could you learn these skills? Indeed, your partner of prospective partners would approve of you adding a few new moves to your bedroom repertoire. This blog is perfect for anyone looking to explore their sexuality and create a deeper intimacy with their partners. If you are an erotic masseuse and are looking to sharpen your skills or get into the industry, this blog is perfect. 

Where to Learn Tantric Massage For Couples 

It’s a strange irony that as relationships grow older, the sense of intimacy can be lost. Busy work schedules, parenting and other pressures of modern life can often get in the way. It’s why we create date nights or book spa retreats. Retaining or recapturing the intimacy in your relationship is a huge priority for most couples, regardless of age. Attending a tantric massage for couples workshop can help you get back in touch with yourselves in this manner. If you attend a tantric seminar as a couple, you may benefit from doing specific exercises with other partners. This will help you delve deeper into yourself without the baggage that comes with a familiar partner. 

Tantra Workshops for Men – Up Your Foreplay Game 

So, If you’re a man and you’re reading this, you have probably offered your partner a massage. You set the scene, light the candles and get the music right. The problem is after 5 minutes; you’re poking her in the back and moving things onto the next level. Sound familiar? Men tend to be very goal orientated in their sensuality and have much to learn from studying tantra. By taking part in a tantric massage course, you will learn to put your desires aside. The resulting sensations for your partner will be more profound and more potent. We have little doubt you’ll reap the rewards.

Aim to take your partner on a journey, embrace giving pleasure entirely and try to get lost in the process. Imagine how good it must feel to her if you are in a blissful and meditative state. Think of tantric massage as an energy exchange. Therefore you are giving everything, and she is receiving everything. She can be entirely passive to absorb the love and sensuality pouring from your body. 

Tantra Workshops For Women – Where to Learn Tantric Massage for Men, Women or Both!  

Are you looking to massage your man as a special treat? At a tantric massage workshop, you will learn about the various techniques, touches and even the mysterious ‘sacred spot’. Tip, you might have differing opinions about how ‘sacred’ it is. Learn how to relax your partner, put him totally at ease and give himself to the journey. Tantric Massage Workshops for women focus on opening your partner’s intimacy and nurturing the trust and love between you. While the massage is hugely pleasurable, the focus is on intimacy and experience, not hitting a set goal. 

How Much Does Tantric Massage Training Cost?

You can expect to pay anything from £150 per session to £1000 for a week-long residential course. The options on where to learn tantric massage are huge, but if you’re based around London, you will have more to choose from. Take a browse through the various practitioners and find a course or instructor that suits you. 

Check out some of our favourite training providers here:

Somanda Tantra School – Spiritual Self Development Through Authentic Tantra

Tantra Massage Training – Connecting Sex, Heart and Spirit 

Tantric Circle – A more modern approach that focuses on sexuality and improving your skills in the bedroom. Your course fee even includes a handsome/beautiful model to practice with! 

So there you have it. In conclusion, studying the art of tantric massage at any level will have huge benefits to your emotional and physical wellbeing. Spice up your sex life and expand your mind at the same time. What’s not to like! Also, if this blog has got you keen to experience a sensual massage then check out our gallery of stunning Tantric Masseuses. All of our erotic massage therapists are highly trained and offer a range of blissful erotic massages.