Tantric Massage Reviews From 2023

As we enter the new year, I reflect on our remarkable journey at Tantric Collective throughout 2023. It was an extraordinary year on the London tantric massage scene, and one marked for us by new connections with clients and masseuses, and the expansion of our Customer Concierge team. I am incredibly proud of what our skilled team of sensational tantricas, our customer care staff, and our knowledgable writers, have achieved. 

You may have already read some of our new blog content from Rose Collette Aston. Rose is a renowned writer on the London Tantric Massage scene, and it’s been great to work with her on the content side of things here. It is also wonderful to have Maya Aspinall, our long-time tantra blogger still with us, sharing her knowledge and research into the erotic arts.

Here Maya has put together some of our 2023 highlights, so please enjoy a few of our tantric massage reviews and the stories behind the bookings. We can’t wait to welcome you back to Tantric Collective in 2024.

Anna xxx

The Best Tantric Massage Reviews From Last Year

We're always thrilled to receive feedback, and 2023 brought in a wealth of sexy massage reviews. We try to feature all your reviews on our site, but this post gives us time to explore the backstory of each booking a little more to give you better insight into the process and why our clients return to Tantric Collective.

There's something incredibly fulfilling about reading our clients' testimonials. It's a testament to our dedication to tantric massage and its impact on the well-being of those who visit us. Today, I want to share some standout reviews from the past year, giving you a glimpse into our masseuses' unique experiences, the skilled hands, and the therapies that made these moments memorable.

Please note that I've altered some names in this article to respect our client's privacy.

Review of Bia

selfie of tantric masseuse Bia posing in the mirror

“Thank you for such an amazing experience!! Bia was absolutely amazing and such a sweetheart. She was extremely great! Can’t wait to come back and have another session with her. She was so very lovely and helped me enjoy and relax!! Please deliver my message to her saying thanks a lot for an unforgettable night! And I want to thank you for your kind support and understanding and for helping with the booking.”

  • Marcus

About The Booking

As one of our regular clients, Marcus is well acquainted with several of our ladies, so was very keen to meet Bia when we added her to the site towards the end of 2023. Her sweet nature and stunning Brazilian looks charmed him, and he has booked her again since.

Tantric Massage Review of Eliza

tantric massage therapist Eliza posing in black lingerie

“Thank you for the arrangement. Eliza was absolutely amazing, and I couldn’t have asked for a better way to start the day. I also want to thank Maya for being so polite and welcoming, and I will definitely use your services again.”

— M.Y.

About The Booking

Eliza is one of our most experienced masseuses and is always a ‘go-to’ for clients interested in an authentic Tantra experience. M.Y. was interested in exploring the variations between ‘erotic massage’ and the more spiritual approach of authentic tantra. Eliza guided him in a session that involved breath work, chakra massage and, of course, some seriously sensual touches.

Review of Anna - Customer Concierge

“Thank you for your care and attention. All your recommendations have been perfect.”


About the Booking

This is a very short review, but I’ve included it because it demonstrates a real point of difference between Tantric Collective and other London agencies. Our experience and professionalism during the booking process are unmatched, greatly benefiting our clients. David is a keen tantric massage reviewer and enthusiast. Anna was able to recommend ladies that would suit his preferences, and as they built up a relationship, she was able to find the perfect match every time. We love our regulars; this is just one example of what makes an ongoing relationship between client, agency and masseuse so special.

Sensual Massage Review of Daisy

tantric masseuse Daisy posing in pink lingerie

“I booked a two-hour session with Daisy, and I was so glad I allowed myself the extra time. She is quite incredible, and I confess I haven’t stopped thinking about her since! Her body was incredible, but her eyes and small gestures were so alluring to me. Her technique is first-class, and she integrates all the teasing touches that have you catching your breath. It was a wonderful two hours that just flew by. Do pass on my thanks.”

— Arthur

About the Booking

Arthurs’s lovely review is wonderfully honest and, unsurprisingly, not at all uncommon. The masseuses are so charming and warm that when you meet them, it’s quite natural to feel a little smitten afterwards. As you can see, the little gestures help build chemistry in a massage. 

The Best Tantric Massage Reviews From 2023 - Final Thoughts

As we conclude our journey through last year’s tantric massage reviews, it's evident that each story shared here is more than just a review; it's a celebration of personal experiences, deep connections, and transformative moments. From Marcus' unforgettable night with Bia to M.Y.'s enlightening session with Eliza, each account underscores Tantras’ unique blend of physical and spiritual fulfilment.

David's feedback about Anna's impeccable customer concierge service and Arthur's mesmerising experience with Daisy further highlight the exceptional quality and care we take in every aspect of our client interactions. These stories are a testament to the dedication and expertise of our team, who make Tantric Collective so much more than just a massage provider.

As we look forward to welcoming you in 2024, we hope these reviews inspire you to explore the world of tantric massage with us. Whether you're a returning client or new to this experience, we promise a journey that's not just about physical pleasure but also about finding a deeper sense of peace and connection within yourself.

Thank you for being a part of our story. Here's to another year of memorable experiences and transformative journeys at Tantric Collective.

Warm regards,

Maya xxx